Dear Readers,

First of all, I’d like to thank you for picking up a copy of True North 2022 and making it all the way to this letter. Throughout the process of creating this magazine, I have spent a lot of time wondering who would eventually open our final project and start to read.
True North is a semi-regular publication produced by UAA’s Journalism and Public Communications department. The magazine is created by a group of students who have registered for a class titled “Magazines,” which is a deceptively simple title. When I registered for this class, I had no idea that we’d be creating a whole, real, professional-quality production. You can imagine my surprise on the first day of classes. It has been the epitome of ‘learn as you go.’
Our team is widely and acutely talented. We have technology whizzes, interview champions, wordsmiths, productivity powerhouses, photography virtuosos, design divas, and generally a group of people who are interested in telling a story. Our fearless leader is Professor Paola Banchero. She has kept us honest and moving towards our goal all semester, and this publication would not have come together without her.
This issue of the magazine has become a kind of love letter to our community. We have stories about recycling, cultural tourism, transitioning, the UAA theater program, and so many other aspects of our university, city, and state communities that prove their significance in our lives, and hopefully in yours as well.
True North, like many publications, has struggled with pandemic-related delays and obstacles, and the fact that many people are transitioning to reading online instead of print. In an effort to adapt this year, our publication will be available both in print and online.
Lastly, True North is a nonprofit that does not receive University funding and is funded solely by advertisers and donors. We would like to thank those people and organizations for their generous support, and remind our readers that ads make this publication possible.
Please enjoy this 2022 issue of True North Magazine.
Thank you,
Naomi Stock